Snail crawling slowly on green leaf
Photo by Krzysztof Niewolny on Unsplash

This site works as my notes what I've already learnt about IT technologies. I've started as absolutely beginner who wanted to know how computers work and how to use computers effectively. I don't like nowadays favourite courses with title as "Become a Python Master in three months". I prefer slow process with deep understanding what I am learning. Slowly crawl through the informations as the snail on the picture above. By the way you can not become a Python master in three month if you are beginner anyway.

My snail journey will not ever start without excellent czech community pyvec, who makes really nice Python course PyLadies for absolutely women beginners. This course had taught me very strong basics about programming and thanks to these basics my journey could continue and I can move myself forward. It woul be really difficult to start and move on without this help. Thanks guys for your excellent work!

This site is about my progress and about technologies I like to study. I've started to learn programming language Python and this language I use most of the time, but sometimes I've already learn Elixir, bash, zsh, ksh, C and someday I want to start with Rust.

I am also really big fan of UNIX. I've started with linux distro Fedora then I was using Debian and finally I am discovering BSD family. My last big challenge was to make and administrate my own OpenBSD server, where is served this site. Except those I like crypto, security, privacy and networks topics