Alternative mobiles OS and hardware to main stream

Published on: 2022-06-21


Nowadays you can hear very often that mobile phones are the ones of the worst devices, when we’ll talk about security and privacy. Market with mobile phones don’t seem very varied. At first sight by normies who dont want to read about electronics because it is not something close to them, or just dont understand it. The marker now is - We have mobiles with Android from Google which is known for their surveillance because of profit from ads and iOS from Apple. Apple is trying to be more privacy for their users. At least he claims it, recently. Firstly they are closed source code so you have to believe them.

If you don’t believy any of them, do you have some alternatives?

Fortunately, yes. Because there is a really big problem with privacy and phones there are many alternatives with focus on security on privacy and security. Unfortunately most of projects are really young and their usability can be limited.

Some of OS listed below require special knowledge about computers to install it on your phone. Then it depends on your skill. But some of them will send you completed phones. Before you will make order, please check precise the conditions of order.

I will not advice any of them because I don’t feel so qualified to do that. Honestly I am not convinced any of them that gives you super privacy and also super usability. But it’s good to know there is the problem with privacy, some people trying to fix it by a technical way. Unfortunately this problem is not just technical but especially political.

Android forks (deGooglized phones)

Linux mobile phones
